a behind-the-scenes look at the drama-filled world of food photography and the stories that bring each dish to life

Y’all, let’s get real. Ever felt stuck in a job that just… wasn’t it? Like you were watching everyone else live vibrant lives while yours was kinda on grayscale? That was me, workin’ in physical therapy. Sure, it helped people, but it didn’t make my soul sing.  I wanted that deep-down joy, the kind that […]

Finding My Freedom: My Freelance Journey, Y’all

March 25, 2024


Insert GIF with Size Control Dear 2024, You’ve just stepped onto the stage, fresh and uncharted, a canvas waiting for its first stroke of brilliance. I’m here, at the brink of your dawn, armed with a palette of dreams, goals, and an unquenchable thirst for creativity. This letter is more than just words; it’s a […]

Dear 2024: You Ready for This Fire?

January 5, 2024


We launched a podcast in 2022 This by far has been the most exciting part of 2022. We launched a podcast called “The Savory Shot“! We’ve released 14 episodes to date which is 14 more than I ever imagined. We’ve had 11 guests featured all within the business and food space. I’ve been so lucky […]

2022: A Look Back, And A Look Forward

December 26, 2022
