May 1, 2024

047: The Gifts of Imperfection: Creatives and Their Struggle with Self-Care

Nobody is talking about how self-care is your secret weapon as a creative!

Okay, listen up, friends – I believe taking care of yourself is the biggest superpower you’ll ever have! Sometimes, being creative is like a fun but crazy rollercoaster, right? We get so excited about our photography that we forget to take a break and refill our cups. Have you ever felt this way? It’s okay – a lot of creative people struggle with self-care. So, here’s the thing: when we don’t take care of ourselves, our minds get tired, and it’s hard to come up with our best ideas. Think of it like your phone battery – when it gets low, everything starts to slow down! But imagine if you kept your energy levels high – all those awesome ideas would flow so much easier! What if we could turn self-care into our secret weapon? Wouldn’t that level up our creative game big time?

Therapist for the Creative Soul – He understands the struggle with self-care

Let’s be honest, being creative isn’t always sunshine and rainbows, right? Sometimes, we feel stressed, get stuck on projects, or have zero motivation. Those days can be super tough, and it can feel like you’re totally alone in your struggles. I’ve totally been there, and finding someone to help can feel like looking for a needle in a haystack! That’s why I’m super excited to introduce you to someone that has been a game-changer for me!

Michael gets that being creative is awesome, but it also comes with its own set of challenges.

He understands the emotional rollercoasters, the struggle with self-care, the late nights fueled by anxiety, and the fear of creative blocks. His story of becoming a therapist for creatives is so cool—it kind of happened on accident! Now, he uses everything he’s learned to help people like us find peace and focus in our crazy, creative lives.

Sometimes, it feels like the pressure of our creative work can be overwhelming, right? We might get frustrated with ourselves or compare our work to others. Don’t you wish there was a way to manage the stress and still create amazing things? Michael understands the ups and downs we face, and that’s why he’s become like a superhero for so many artists (including yours truly!).

I’m so excited to dive deeper with Michael today – let’s get ready to unlock some incredible things and create the balance we all crave!

About Michael

Michael Hilgers is a licensed therapist with a private practice specializing in working with entrepreneurs in a variety of industries, including the creative arts. In 2021, after 25 years in Austin, TX, Michael relocated with his wife to the mountains of northern New Mexico, where he continues to work remotely with clients from around the world. When not talking to clients, Michael spends his time exploring nature, riding mountain bikes, and creating things with metal.

Action Checklist

  1. Set Daily Mental Health Goals – Identify and commit to one specific mental health activity each day.
  2. Schedule Regular Breaks – Plan short breaks every two hours during work to prevent burnout.
  3. Weekly Self-Care Activity – Engage in a self-chosen activity once a week that brings joy and relaxation.
  4. Track Sleep Hours – Monitor and aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep per night.
  5. Evaluate Work-Life Balance Monthly – Assess and adjust work commitments and personal time each month.
  6. Seek Professional Guidance – Make an appointment with a mental health professional within the next month.
  7. Join a Support Group – Find and attend a support group for creatives or entrepreneurs.
  8. Limit Social Media Exposure – Set a daily limit of one hour on social media to reduce stress.

Episode Breakdown

  • Michael explains how his career path led him to specialize in creative industries, emphasizing a down-to-earth approach.
  • Michael discusses the vulnerability and struggle with self-care that creatives encounter in their professional lives.
  • Discusses the tension between the public persona and private struggles of creative work.
  • Michael explains how neglecting mental health can impact creativity and professional success.
  • Mica shares personal experiences about resistance to therapy and how it’s perceived culturally.
  • Michael suggests practical strategies for creatives to manage stress and maintain mental wellness.
  • Michael discusses changes in public perception of therapy and encourages seeking help when needed.
  • Michael talks about the high failure rate among entrepreneurs and the stress of managing all aspects of a business alone.
  • Michael stresses the importance of self-care for sustaining creativity and passion in the long term.


  1. Why Arnold Schwarzenegger Doesn’t Consider Himself “Self Made” –
  2. Organizations in Austin: These places provide low-cost access to therapy.
  3. Tony Robbins Helps Theo Deal With Low Self-Worth –

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with Mica McCook


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