January 10, 2024

039: New Year’s Balance: SELF-COMPASSION and Business in Photography

EPISODE SUMMARY – Self-Compassion and Business in Photography

First, step into 2024 with a fresh perspective in our latest episode, ‘New Year’s Balance: SELF-COMPASSION and Business in Photography.’ So, if you’ve ever felt torn between the hustle of your business and the need for self-care, this episode is your beacon in the fog.

We take a deep dive into the real talk of food photography – it’s not just about capturing the perfect shot; it’s about balancing your inner artist with your entrepreneurial spirit. Furthermore, in this episode, we unravel the complex tapestry of self-compassion in a world that often prioritizes profit over personal well-being. Our journey explores the delicate dance between nurturing your creativity and sharpening your business skills.

Now, imagine ending your day feeling fulfilled, not just by the work you’ve produced but by the way you’ve navigated your challenges with kindness and strategic thinking. Furthermore, the episode isn’t just another talk; it’s a transformative experience that reshapes how you view your work and yourself.

Therefore, grab your headphones, find your favorite spot, and join us in this enlightening episode. It’s time to align your goals, ignite your passion, and take actionable steps towards a year where self-compassion and business in photography success walk hand in hand. Let’s make 2024 a year to remember in your food photography career!

About Mica

My name is Mica (pronounced me-kuh) McCook, and I’m a food photographer based in Austin, Texas. I create timeless theatrical art marinated in lavish colors and deep, simmering shadows. Every shot is a grand, meticulously composed culinary performance.

I bring a unique flair that’s like a telenovela: dramatic, excessive, and over-the-top. In other words, I wrap drama in a burrito, douse it in hot sauce, and photograph it.

You can find me dining out at a favorite restaurant with my husband, Aaron. Or taking our two dogs, Moxy and Charlie, on a walk around Zilker Park. When not creating or photographing food, I delve into my Texan roots through genealogy. Additionally, I escape into a good book or go antique shopping.

Episode Breakdown

  • [00:00:00]: At the beginning of the episode, Mica McCook welcomes listeners to the 39th episode and the first of 2024, expressing gratitude to the audience​.
  • [00:04:00]: Mica reflects on the struggles and ambitious goals of 2023, sharing personal experiences and questioning if others felt similar challenges​.
  • [00:07:00]: The episode addresses the challenges in setting and achieving goals, likening it to the difficulty of climbing a mountain​.
  • [00:10:00]: Mica recounts starting a new venture, McMuggins Coffee Mugs, in 2023, highlighting the entrepreneurial aspect of the year​.
  • [00:16:00]: We discuss the lowest point of 2023, where Mica faced rejection on a major project, emphasizing the emotional impact of such experiences​.
  • [00:20:00]: Mica discusses self-compassion, explaining its elements – self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness, and highlighting the importance of practicing it.
  • [00:24:00]: Mica recommends visiting selfcompassion.org for resources on self-compassion and sharing personal favorite exercises and insights from the website .
  • [00:28:00]: The episode concludes with Mica wrapping up the discussion, encouraging listeners to pursue their goals and dreams and reflecting on the topics covered.


  1. McMuggins Coffee Mugs – https://www.facebook.com/mcmuggincups
  2. Dr. Kristin Neff’s Self Compassion – https://self-compassion.org/


self-compassion and business in photography

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with Mica McCook


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