October 19, 2022

011: Why Comparing Yourself To Other Food Photographers Is Pointless

Comparing Yourself

Comparing Yourself


From the moment you start taking pictures and sharing them with the world, you will begin to compare yourself to other photographers. You might feel that they are better at shooting food than you. Or that their images sell more than yours because they look like they belong on a magazine cover. But comparing yourself to other photographers is pointless because everyone has a unique perspective on the world around them and uses that unique perspective to tell their story.

It’s easy to feel like your work is never good enough. In this episode, we talk about why comparing yourself to other food photographers is pointless, and why that belief can keep you from growing as a photographer.

Comparing Yourself

Meet Your Host

Your host, Mica, felt that way too. She went to college and worked hard at jobs she didn’t love, just to make ends meet. But in her free time, she loved photography, and she especially loved taking pictures of food. So what did she do? She quit her job as an admin and started a photography business—and it changed everything.

Episode Breakdown

  • Today’s world of social media makes it really easy to compare yourself to other food photographers.
  • Your success doesn’t depend on what others are doing; it depends on what you’re doing.
  • It takes away from your own work and growth.


  1. Theodore Roosevelt
  2. Stop Comparing Yourself: The Essential Guide on Loving and Being Confident in Yourself, Learn How to Stop Caring What Other People Think Of You and Become Confident in Yourself
  3. 50 Photo Projects: Ideas to Kick- Start Your Photography


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The Savory Shot Podcast
with Mica McCook


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Much love, Ophelia