July 26, 2024

053: Growing Through Criticism

Growing Through Criticism: Mastering the Art of Constructive Feedback

Ever felt that punch in the gut when someone criticizes your work? That sinking feeling, like all your hard work and effort just got dismissed? We’ve all been there, secretly replaying those words in our heads, wondering where we went wrong. But what if I told you that criticism, that dreaded gut punch, is actually the key to growing through criticism? It’s the secret ingredient to unlocking your true potential and becoming the artist you were always meant to be.

It’s easy to get stuck in the cycle of frustration and self-doubt, questioning our abilities and replaying the same mistakes over and over. But here’s the thing: I’ve always believed that growth comes from embracing discomfort. Instead of letting those critiques crush us, we can choose to see them as opportunities for learning and improvement.

I know it’s not always easy. We’re all human, and those initial feelings of defensiveness are perfectly normal. But what if, just for a moment, we could shift our perspective and see feedback, not as a personal attack, but as a valuable tool for growth? What if we could learn to listen, reflect, and use those insights to propel ourselves forward?

That’s what we’re going to explore today: how to take those painful moments of criticism and turn them into fuel for our journey. Because let’s face it, feedback is a part of life, whether we like it or not. So let’s learn how to master it and use it to our advantage.

Why Feedback is Your Friend

Okay, truth time: I’m a total feedback nerd. I know, it sounds weird, but I genuinely get excited about those “constructive criticism” conversations. Maybe it’s the lifelong learner in me, or maybe I just secretly love a good challenge.

Giving feedback isn’t just about pointing out what’s wrong; it’s about fostering a culture of growth and collaboration. It’s about learning to communicate clearly, honestly, and with empathy. And it’s about creating a space where everyone feels safe to share their ideas and receive constructive criticism.

By the end of this, you won’t just be a feedback ninja; you’ll be a feedback Jedi master. We’ll cover everything from the power of positive feedback to the art of delivering difficult messages with grace. We’ll explore different feedback models, share practical tips for giving and receiving feedback, and even dive into the neuroscience behind why feedback can be so darn hard to hear.

Key Tips for Giving Feedback

  • Start with the Good Stuff: Kick things off by mentioning what you genuinely like about the work. It sets a positive vibe and shows respect. If you’re looking at a photo, you could say, “The composition here is really eye-catching.”
  • Share How it Makes You Feel: Add a personal touch by talking about how the work affects you. You could say, “This photo gives me a warm, nostalgic feeling.”
  • Offer Helpful Suggestions: Now, gently suggest ways to make it even better. Instead of saying, “This is wrong,” try, “I wonder if adding a bit more light to the subject would make this photo even stronger.”

How to Handle Feedback Like a Champ

Getting feedback can be just as tricky as giving it. Here’s how to nail it:

  • Stay Cool: Take a deep breath before reacting, especially if the feedback stings a bit.
  • Listen Up: Really pay attention to what’s being said, and don’t interrupt. If anything is unclear, ask questions like, “Could you give me an example?”
  • Take Notes: Jotting down feedback helps you remember it and shows the person giving it that you value their input.
  • Say Thanks: A simple “thank you” goes a long way in showing appreciation.
  • Remember, it’s a Gift: Feedback is meant to help you grow, not tear you down. Use it to see your work in a new light.

Let’s Chat!

Have a story about feedback that changed the game for you? Tips for giving helpful feedback? Share them in the comments!

Keep creating, keep growing, and remember: every master started as a beginner. Use feedback as your fuel and watch your work take off!

About Mica

Mica McCook is a food photographer and the host of The Savory Shot podcast, where she discusses the art and soul of working in food photography. As a photographer, she crafts storytelling visuals marinated in color and simmered in shadows. With her signature theatrical flair, Mica recreates emotions from food. You may have seen her larger-than-life images in advertisements for many major brands and publications, including Texas Monthly, Tito’s Vodka, Resy, Cava, and H-E-B. 

Episode Breakdown

  • How critiques help in seeing work from a new perspective.
  • Importance of mastering the art of giving and receiving feedback.
  • Definition and significance of constructive criticism.
  • Critiques should describe, interpret, evaluate, and theorize.
  • Constructive criticism is specific, helpful, positive, focused, and actionable.
  • Unhelpful criticism is vague, negative, and rude.
  • Tips for receiving feedback: stay calm, listen actively, and take notes.
  • Feedback is a gift meant to help you grow.
  • Importance of being selective about who you get feedback from.
  • Join legit groups like The Luupe or mentorship programs for valuable reviews.
  • Practical tips for giving feedback: what you like, how the photo makes you feel, and how it can be improved.
  • Best reviews come from having specific goals and questions for the reviewer.

Action Checklist

  • Start feedback by mentioning three specific things you like about the work.
  • Share how the work makes you feel using two to three descriptive words.
  • Provide two clear, actionable suggestions for improvement.
  • Spend at least five minutes listening without interrupting during a feedback session.
  • Prepare three open-ended questions to ask during or after receiving feedback.
  • Write down at least five key points from the feedback you receive.
  • Implement at least one piece of feedback in your next project.

Action Checklist


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with Mica McCook


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