Achieve Success
Are you ready to make this year the one where you level up your personal and professional goals and achieve success?
If so, then you are in the right place to get started! In this episode of the Savory Shot, host Mica shares her insight into setting and achieving success with New Year’s resolutions.
Mica provides you with tips and tricks for making your resolutions come to life. Tune in to learn her best practices and tools for staying on track with your goals. She will also discuss the importance of setting realistic goals and how to stay motivated throughout the year. Furthermore, Mica will show you the power of breaking down large goals into smaller, achievable tasks. This will help you make steady progress toward achieving your goals and especially makes sure you don’t get overwhelmed by the process. So, get ready to start the new year with a bang and level up your personal and professional goals.

Episode Breakdown
- How New Year’s resolutions can be used to set personal and professional goals and achieve success.
- The SMART goal method (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) is useful for creating actionable goals.
- Setting resolutions can help food photographers to level up their game and try new techniques, styles, and equipment.
- How Cultivate What Matters Power Sheets and Oprah Winfrey’s Daily Affirmation cards are helpful tools for goal setting.
- Shift and ToDoist are helpful tools for staying organized.
- How The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz encourages readers to challenge small goals and think big.
- Goals for the Savory Shot podcast include creating a platform for continuing conversations, connecting with listeners on Instagram, and bringing on more variety of guests.
- The next episode of the Savory Shot podcast features guest Robin Zachary.
- Additionally, Episode 017 will focus on New Year’s resolutions and goal setting.
- Lastly, listeners are encouraged to make 2023 the best year yet
- Cultivate What Matters Power Sheets
- Oprah Winfrey’s Daily Affirmation cards
- Shift
- ToDoist
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
- How to Win Friends by Dale Carnegie
- The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz
- S.M.A.R.T Goal Methods