June 1, 2024

049: Mastering the Art of Self-Promotion without Selling Out

Have you ever felt awkward talking about your own successes?

Maybe you even feel a little bit icky, like you’re bragging too much. Trust me, you’re not alone! Today, we’re diving into self-promotion – a topic that makes many of us cringe. But guess what? It’s a crucial part of building a successful career, especially in creative fields like photography. I’ve had the pleasure of learning from some amazing photographers and mentors who have convinced me of the power of the art of self-promotion. They’ve shared tips that transformed my perspective, and I’m excited to share them with you!

Why Self-Promotion Feels Awkward

Many of us were raised to be humble and not brag about our accomplishments. This can make self-promotion feel awkward and even a bit gross. But promoting yourself isn’t about bragging – it’s about sharing your hard work and achievements with the world.

When I got the mentorship with Apostrophe Reps, I felt so awkward talking about it. If it weren’t for my husband and my friend Ana, no one would have known about it. I realized that being humble shouldn’t mean hiding my accomplishments.

The Importance of Self-Promotion

If you don’t promote your work, who will? The art of self-promotion is necessary to make it in any field. When you share your achievements, you give others a chance to appreciate your hard work and celebrate with you.

Think about my friend who owns Blazer Tag. He’s a master at the art of self-promotion. He shares everything about his business – from small wins to major milestones. This constant promotion has made his business incredibly successful and well-known.

Tips for Effective Self-Promotion

  1. Safe Bragging: Start by sharing your wins in a comfortable environment, like with family or friends. This helps build your confidence without the pressure of a professional setting.
  2. Newsletter: Your newsletter is a fantastic place to brag about your accomplishments. Share your latest projects, wins, and exciting news with your audience. They want to hear about your journey!
  3. Social Media: Use social media to share your successes. Post about a challenging shoot you just completed or a new client you landed. This keeps your followers engaged and informed about your work.
  4. Be Genuine: Share not just the highlights, but also the struggles and lessons learned. People appreciate honesty and can relate to your journey.

Wrapping It Up

Self-promotion doesn’t have to be cringy. By starting small, being genuine, and sharing your journey, you can promote your work effectively and build a supportive community around you.

About Mica

Mica McCook is a food photographer and the host of The Savory Shot podcast, where she discusses the art and soul of working in food photography. As a photographer, she crafts storytelling visuals marinated in color and simmered in shadows. With her signature theatrical flair, Mica recreates emotions from food. You may have seen her larger-than-life images in advertisements for many major brands and publications, including Texas Monthly, Tito’s Vodka, Resy, Cava, and H-E-B.

Action Checklist

  1. Share a recent achievement with the family within the next week to build confidence​​.
  2. Post about a recent project on Instagram by the end of this month​​.
  3. Highlight three small wins on social media each week for the next month​​.
  4. Share one challenge and lesson learned in a LinkedIn post next week​​.
  5. Celebrate a milestone by posting a photo on Facebook within two weeks​​.
  6. Schedule bi-weekly updates about your work on social media for the next three months​​.
  7. Include a visual (photo/video) in every social media post for the next four weeks​​.
  8. Ask your audience one engaging question on social media each week for the next month.

Episode Breakdown

  • Mica expresses her discomfort with self-promotion.
  • Self-promotion is compared to a journey of self-love, emphasizing the need to treat oneself with the same kindness and recognition one would give to others​​.
  • Mica suggests starting with small wins and sharing them in a comfortable environment, like with family and friends, to build confidence​​.
  • The difference between bragging and genuinely sharing one’s achievements, stressing authenticity​​.
  • The importance of showing both the good and the bad to maintain authenticity and build trust​​.
  • The concept of “safe bragging” involves sharing accomplishments in a supportive environment to build confidence​​.


  1. Apostrophe Reps

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with Mica McCook


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